Face time

If you can work from anywhere, which many can these days, why go out of your way to get somewhere to do that work? Why waste time commuting? Why break that time quickening moment to get out of your pajamas's and go somewhere? If office face-time drives you nuts,

If your boss wants to see you because they are a control freak,

If your peers want you within arms reach because they want to socialize,

If your staff needs you to be there to work out every detail in a meeting or you just can't trust them,

Then change something fast.

Make a drop in center rather than an office for those collaboration sessions, socialize over lunch or dinner together, and if all else fails change jobs or loose the needy peers and un-trustworthy staff.

Do something because your wasting the one finite quantity you have - time.

Round and round we go

Interesting discussions yesterday. The scourge of "busy" versus "important" and the plague of "that's the way we have always done it" have reared their ugly heads.

Outcome, not quantity is what matters.

Test everything daily, where suspect, change, re-engineer, rip it up. Nothing is sacrosanct.

The world is ripe with so many possibilities. It is a shame to waste precious time chasing your tail, doing something just because that is the way you have always done it and worst yet, feeling satisfied with what you do just because how busy your are.

Droid (Android) gaining faster than iPhone?

via Droid Does Deliver: Flurry Uses its Analytics to Measure Week 1 Sales.

Droid sales of 250,000 units during its first week from a standing start and in just one country, is a strong result for Motorola and Verizon.

... Android does have an edge over iPhone app usage, with the average Android session length at four minutes vs. two minutes for iPhone apps.

... each subsequent Android handset launch increases competition for Apple.

... a sharp increase in new Android project starts by application developers within its system, a 94% jump in October compared to September.

... Droid signals the beginning of a viable platform alternative to the iPhone as Android builds critical mass.

... the consumer has never had more choice and innovation in the mobile industry.