My bike has 2 sets of pedals...
/My bike has 1 seat but 2 sets of pedals. Okay it is my imaginary bike but let's consider the possibility. I jump on and I have to decide which set to use. I might put 1 foot on 1 set and 1 foot on another. I might reverse my feet. I might try 1 set then the other or I might just give up and push myself along. Or worse yet, I might just give up bike riding altogether because it is just so complicated. It seems to be in our nature to over engineer. To add too many options, umpteen different ways of solving the same problem, pricing schemes that need pages to explain and pages and pages of detailed billing to verify. Software that let's you do everything but what you want to do really simply. A proposal that is lost in pages of "trees" verbiage, so much so that you can no longer see and appreciate the offered solution or "forest" if you will.
What's wrong with simple? What's wrong with my old bicycle that has just 1 set of pedals?