Nailing crowd sourcing

Read the whole post and if you have ADD like me and just can't do it, then read the 4th paragraph and if that is just too painful meditate on the last line of the 4th paragraph.

"show me what individual people whose opinion I respect think is cool simply by allowing me to observe them appreciating"

If you want to engage and leverage a crowd, the tribe, or any other host of over-used hype words that all mean "get allot of people behind you" I think this is the key. I think we are moving from "what's popular" to "what do those that mean allot to me think about this".

via Sci-Fi Hi-Fi: Weblog: The Long Tail of Humor.

Big brands turn to small blog houses for big results

I keep thinking about TeuxDeux - the simplicity of it all and how they managed to sign up 10,000 users within the first 24 hours of their launch and along comes Robert Scoble's post which brings closure to my pondering. If you can make your offering simple and easy to understand, even entertaining in the introduction of it (watch the TeuxDeux video) and if you have followers who in turn have followers, and so on, voila - 10,000 users in 24 hours. No massive sales force, advertising campaign, PR, marketing, or whatever. Big brands turn to small blog houses for big results.

YouTube Blog: Join Morgan Freeman to Bring Human Rights Work to Light

Now this is powerful. I'm very curious to see where it goes. Hats off to YouTube for the initiative.

YouTube can be a powerful tool championing the rights of individuals and promoting free expression. This month, during International Human Rights Day, we're partnering with Morgan Freeman and Amnesty International to encourage you to become advocates for equality and justice, through Video Volunteers.

via YouTube Blog: Join Morgan Freeman to Bring Human Rights Work to Light.