Big brands turn to small blog houses for big results

I keep thinking about TeuxDeux - the simplicity of it all and how they managed to sign up 10,000 users within the first 24 hours of their launch and along comes Robert Scoble's post which brings closure to my pondering. If you can make your offering simple and easy to understand, even entertaining in the introduction of it (watch the TeuxDeux video) and if you have followers who in turn have followers, and so on, voila - 10,000 users in 24 hours. No massive sales force, advertising campaign, PR, marketing, or whatever. Big brands turn to small blog houses for big results.

YouTube Leverages Social

From the YouTube Blog: How We Think About Social. Over one million people are AutoSharing videos to Twitter, Facebook and Google Reader

Each AutoShared Tweet you send out from YouTube turns into an average of seven new sessions on

Over a million people have found and subscribed to at least one friend on YouTube based on our Friend Suggest feature

More than one million new subscriptions are created every day


Talk about crowd leverage. Wow.

Connected Consumers

Interesting survey by Razorfish

  • 40% of respondents friend a brand on Facebook or MySpace
  • 25% follow a brand on Twitter
  • Why? Exclusive deals, current customer, or they are just interested or entertained
  • 96% said that online experience influenced whether they bought or not
  • And 56% of these connected consumers own a Smart Phone
  • Overall they use readers, mobile apps, blog and create content

These are either the decision makers today are about to be in very short order. How are you reaching them?